Let`s skip the part with oh-this-is-so-easy and get straight to it: the tantalizing flavor of the cherry is paired so well with the er...cheesecake-like topping? I`m not good at describing food. I`m better at eating it.
Beware, because this post contains again a lot of pictures!
You might think that March is not an appropriate month for cherry recipes, but hey, that`s why the freezer has been invented, right? Last summer, when my mom attempted to make cherry jam, but didn`t, we had about 8 lbs (that`s about 4 to 5 kg) of fresh cherries resting in our fridge. Damn, what kind of cake would use so many cherries at once? I had no experience in making pies at that time, so a cherry pie would have been a bad,bad (VERY!), bad idea. So we ate 1 pound but still had 7. Mommy bought freezer bags and we shoveled all those cherries in our freezer.
They stayed a while there until I decided to start baking with them. Muffins, cakes, sauces, syrups. Still had some more. And I don`t know about you but I`m not a great fan of eating fruit that had been frozen. Like on it`s own. I bake with it. And it comes in handy when you have a Cherry Cheesecake, Cherry Fudgy Brownies or Cherry Almond Torte crave.
Bla,bla,bla I don`t like the pictures but I took a lot bla,bla,bla. I`ll skip this part where I complain about how bad my photography skills are. What can I do with a Nikon D3100 18-55 1:3.5 lens? Not much, I tell you.
I`m worn out. I`m fed up and tired. The "too-much-school" period of time led to my "want-a-huge-holiday" syndrome. Not good. Especially that my baking could be affected because of the tiredness and moroseness. This is not a proper time to bake Macarons or anything fancy. So I made this luscious but easy peasy cake.
Oh, and I haven`t edited these images because I`m a lazy girl. I needed something to carry to a tea party. Of course, I originally planned to make Nutella Cream Tartlets but I didn`t feel like rolling out pastry and dirtying my mom`s kitchen.
What`s worse than a bad period of time? Eating food that makes you sad. Like salad. I had salad! Even the word itself said "sad" : SAlaD. See?
Whatever. Whenever you are feeling down, bake some cake. Indulge. Why? Because you deserve it.
Life sucks.
Although I need to bang my head on the keyboard a few times and to stare unconscious at the screen before I decide to write something, I wish you have a great weekend and life is offering you what`s best.
1 and 3/4 cup white all purpose flour (you can use whole wheat)
6 Tablespoons vegetable oil (NOT olive!)
8 Tablespoons milk
3 eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
200 gr brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
2 cups and 1/2 pitted cherries (fresh, frozen, tinned)
2 eggs
4 Tablespoons brown sugar
200 ml. sour cream
1. Preheat oven to 180 d C/375 d F. Line the bottom of your baking pan (9X13 or similar) with parchment paper or grease and flour it well. Set aside.
2. In a medium bowl, toss the ingredients in this order: flour, sugar, baking powder, oil, milk, eggs and vanilla+almond extract. Using a whisk or your mixer, beat everything together until well incorporated. After there are no lumps or specks of flour to be seen, you can go ahead and pour it in your pan. Batter will be quite thick.
Arrange the pitted cherries in an even layer over the batter. Set aside.
3. In another bowl, beat together the eggs, add the sugar and sour cream. Combine everything. Mixture will resemble a thicker glaze. Pour this over the top of the unbaked cake, making sure to cover the whole surface with it.
4. Bake in the preheated oven for 35 to 40 minutes or until the top looks golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, with no wet batter clinging on it.
Slice and serve. This is a great dessert to finish a meal, because it is not overly sweet, it has the right amount of tartness thanks to the cherries and don`t worry-you will not taste the sour cream at all! I promise.